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The Natural Wonders of the Dead Sea, Israel

The Dead Sea, Located about an hour east of Jerusalem, beyond the sea level hills of the Judaean Desert is the lowest point on earth. The Dead Sea is not actually a sea, but rather a large lake that borders Israel to the west and Jordan to the east. Remarkably, it is over 1,400 feet below sea level. On this Dead Sea road trip I was accompanied by a fellow from tour operator in Israel.

Our first stop was at the northern end of the lake at a private beach which does require a fee but provides shaded spots, fresh water showers, a snack bar, and an area full of Dead Sea mud to detoxify you.”This is the most bizarre and glorious experience. I mean I am not holding any air in my lungs and I’m just totally floating. (more…)

What Not to Do when Teaching your Kids about Money

I’m talking today about buying things online in front of your kids. Like many women, I buy a lot of things online; clothing, books, and sunscreen. Anything I need, I see that “free shipping” sign, and my index finger is drawn like a magnet to the purchase button. But for three main reasons, I’ve decided that it’s not a good idea for my kids to see me buying all this stuff online, and here is why. The number one reason is that it’s just too tempting for them.

When they see thousands of objects within a matter of seconds, they’re so tempted, and I feel that for my kids it’s almost physically painful a notion that there is something out there they can’t have. Meanwhile, by not buying things online in front of them, I sort of avoid the inevitable complaining that, “Mommy isn’t buying X, Y or Z.” And the second reason is that then when I buy online or when anyone buys online, the whole physical exchange of money is not taking place in front of my kids. (more…)

When Your Son Is Going Through Puberty

How to deal with a son going through puberty? Because your little boy is becoming a man, and it’s confusing both of you And making it hard to breathe.

Step one, recognize the signs.

Is your son having mood swings? Does he have terrible body odor? And spend the same amount of time sleeping as you spend awake? Then, congratulations! And, I’m sorry; your son has hit puberty.

Step two, build a line of defense.

Your kid will be sweating from places he didn’t even know he had. And it’s going to smell. But don’t embarrass him. Instead, strategically plant bottles of Axe Gold around the house. Don’t even say anything about it. You’ll know for sure he’s using it because you’ll smell it all over the damn house. (more…)

Ranulph Fiennes – A Great Motivational Speaker and Adventurer

Motivational speakers are quite important as they can motivate people who listen to them to improve their lives positively. Those that pay attention to inspirational speakers are encouraged towards choosing the right step in a good direction.

There are various reasons why a motivational speaker is hired. Numerous business owners hire them to inspire workers, as workers who are really confident in her or his own life might be more productive. Academic institutions also seek the expertise of a motivational speaker to share their success stories and talk on numerous topics in order to motivate students. Also, many individuals look for motivational speakers for good reasons which might be personal, while some people just need motivational speakers to give them a bit push. The quotes from the good motivational speakers can essentially change their lives. Some inspirational speakers are hired and respected for sharing great life quotes. (more…)