I have a terrible habit of welcoming people into my home and then forgetting to offer them a drink. It’s either a mental block or early dementia but it’s ridiculous! So, I created a permanent drink station on my kitchen island and then tweak the decorating details with each new season.
I’m not joking when I say, I could literally serve a five-course meal to guests and completely forget about offering a beverage to them. Thankfully, my husband and now even my daughter are quick to make this most basic gesture of hospitality. Because of those two, no one leaves here parched. However, my side-kicks aren’t always around when I have company in the kitchen.
That said, I created this very obvious drink station smack in the center of the kitchen to act as a visual reminder. Literally, it’s a visual aid for me. If I still fail to inquire about what my guest would prefer to drink, the drink station picks up the slack by becoming a conversation piece. Once the conversation starts, a light turns on and my mental block is hurdled long enough for me to say, “what can I get you to drink?”
It’s silly, but I get caught up in the many details of hostessing and forget the most basic of all needs and one of life’s most simple comforts – water (or coffee, or what-have-you). After all, everyone is more comfortable making small talk while holding a cup of something liquid and then taking a sip during the conversation pauses.
Enough about my hostessing faux pas and let’s get on to the details. Here’s my countertop display. I splurged on the Pottery Barn galvanized stand after seeing this beautiful display from Stone Gable years ago. I also splurged on some Flour sack towels bulk since they look good on my countertop. My seasonal “fillings” are usually something inexpensive and/or whatever I have on hand.
Speaking of inexpensive “fillings”, part of my Dollar Store Decor fall mantel shelves include a little banner I printed on fake leaves (this tutorial coming soon per your reader request!). The $1 package of leaves came with so many, I had more than enough for scattering around the bottom of each tier wherever I found a blank space. They are surprisingly noticeable and festive at the same time!
My goal of this station is to have everything one would want for coffee or tea, except the creamer. I keep that in the refrigerator for obvious reasons. The bottom tier, in front, holds a sugar bowl of organic sugar, which has an off-white color tinge that adds to my rustic Fall colors. There is also a little shaker of cinnamon for the deluxe coffee drinkers. Stir spoons rest inside the creamer pitcher. Finally, behind those few essentials is a mason jar filled with candy corn for added Fall flare as well as a selection of k cups.
The mugs I’ve had for years and years and years. I bring them out each Fall for a little seasonal color change. I don’t usually keep different colors of dishes according to the season; that involves a little more effort than I care to devote to plates and mugs. However, these happen to be an original set of mugs from our early marriage years, so I decided to put them on display since they match the autumn theme.
So, whatcha think? Anyone can make a drink station out of anything, if inclined. We have friends that dedicated an entire drink zone in their kitchen/dining room that is more than inviting. It’s all about using the space you have and filling it with things you love or need. In my case, I love coffee & tea but also need a reminder to offer a beverage to company. Win, win! Making things useful and beautiful, this time to improve my hospitality skills.