Live for Family

Mom, Parenting and Family Holiday Blog

Kitchen Activites

Sweet tea : The beverage choice of many family

nmi90You can even find ready to drink teas that confidently say “Southern Style” on their product labels; however I make certain that most people can enjoy the authentic thing much more. In the southern area of United States, sweet iced tea is really an old-fashioned beverage that it is basically recognized as “Tea”. Without having need to specify the sweetness, or even the ice!

If all your family is anything like mine, you will know that nothing at all is better to drink than an iced sweet tea. It enhances any meal tastes better on a hot day. Only a handful of sweet tea is just like you most likely know. I don’t also bother to buy tea from certain menu as it is either instant tea or even brewed tea without having taste.

After several years of raising 4 kids and marital relationship of almost 35 years, (more…)

Treat your family holiday with Danisa Butter Cookies

mjkp9Royal Danisa Butter Cookie is the wonderful housewarming treat or gift at your home, especially to serve guest with tea or coffee. In many countries Danisa Butter Cookies are perceived as one of the most excellent and most delicious gifts you can bring.

Treat your family or friend with a treat they enjoy. The Royal Danisa is legendary for its wealthy recipes and good quality ingredients and this tin loaded with Danish Butter Cookies is masses pleaser with various deliciousness.

Those butter cookies are baked with nutritious and organic ingredients and they come with Decorative tin with festive scenes. Their finest classics recipes are baked with all-organic ingredients and perfect for today’s families who are looking for the most excellent in quality, taste, and also sustainability. (more…)

Coffee Station & Decoration

16I have a terrible habit of welcoming people into my home and then forgetting to offer them a drink.  It’s either a mental block or early dementia but it’s ridiculous!  So, I created a permanent drink station on my kitchen island and then tweak the decorating details with each new season.

I’m not joking when I say, I could literally serve a five-course meal to guests and completely forget about offering a beverage to them.  Thankfully, my husband and now even my daughter are quick to make this most basic gesture of hospitality.  Because of those two, no one leaves here parched.  However, my side-kicks aren’t always around when I have company in the kitchen.