Uoni Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Maker Teams Up With The ASPCA® To Help Pet Parents
Uoni, a home cleaning solutions provider and the maker of Uoni Global robotic vacuums, is today announcing its support of the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) as an ASPCA Business Ambassador. Uoni is committed to raise awareness about the ASPCA’s lifesaving work to protect, care for, and rescue animals across the United States.
More homes than ever before have discovered the joy of having a pet companion, particularly during the past year when so many people have been isolated due to the pandemic. According to the ASPCA, approximately 23 million American households have acquired a pet since the beginning of the pandemic. The unconditional love provided by a pet and the incentive for pet parents to be more active is just a few of the mental and physical health benefits of owning a pet.
Along with all the positives of having a pet in your home, the constant chore of cleaning up pet hair and food crumbs around the house can be a struggle for pet owners. Pet hair accumulates daily, so keeping up with it is particularly daunting for busy pet parents. (more…)