Live for Family

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Childhood Education

4 easy tips to save more money

It’s always easier if you know what is your destination. When you start saving money without knowing where you’re going to spend it or without any deadline you probably won’t feel very motivated. With me, my trip to London was my main goal, for example. You just need to find something that you want to achieve really badly which will make everything look easier. (more…)

Rediscover Your Love For Music

If you think back to when you were a kid, there was just something special about the local music store full of musical instruments. With a mix of traditional and modern music to choose from, along with a host of instruments to learn to play, it was a great place to go for both adults and children alike. That same feeling can still be had today. When you visit a music store boston, you will find all of your favorite instruments. The staff are willing and ready to help find the perfect fit for you, and even give you lessons if you so desire. You can truly rediscover your love for music with every visit. Find the Right Instrument No matter if you are in need of purchasing or renting a particular musical instrument, a music store is the perfect place to start and finish your search. (more…)

A few things to know more about Family dentistry

Family dentistry focuses on taking care of oral health for the whole family. Family dentists will diagnose, heal and protect against your family against various dental problems in all family members. Family dentistry overlaps with various other aspects in several ways. For instance, family dentistry or general dentistry has a lot in common, however they varies from other areas in various ways too. Particularly, they do something about dental services to all people in the family although other areas focus on a professional procedure like dental implants or even age group. Family dentist provides a significant role in taking care of the oral health for our society. (more…)

What parents should know about pediatric dentist

Most parents are unsure when the time has come to bring their kid to the pediatric dentist. This is not unusual since we often have a hard time evaluating when our kids certainly need dental care. What parents don’t understand is that good dental care should begin even before the initial tooth of our baby shows up. It would be a bit confusing if you cannot find teeth but, actually, all of us already come with teeth although we were in our mother’s womb. They haven’t shown up but still in the gum. The common caring method for this is to simply use a wet washcloth over our baby’s gums after feedings. It can avoid the accumulation of bad bacteria. (more…)

Book review: The Horse Boy, Rupert Isaacson

mk88Travel writer and activist Rupert Isaacson has written for an assortment of publications in diverse parts of the English-speaking world. Married to an academic psychologist and based in Texas, travel was his livelihood as well as his pleasure. But when his son was diagnosed with autism in 2004, the whole family’s world threatened to implode. Five-year-old Rowan had epic tantrums during which he would scream and wail inconsolably for hours, was physically incontinent and  completely unable to connect with others. The child had 9 of 10 symptoms of autism, but because he could make good eye contact the clinicians thought he couldn’t be autistic.

Life for Isaacson and his wife became a never-ending series of crises. Hypersensitivity could make Rowan flip out if the texture of his clothing wasn’t quite right, or when he had to go from one place to another. And of course, he was still in diapers.

Nothing seemed to help until, in 2004, Rowan started making friends with his neighbour’s horse, Betsy. The first time they met, she dipped her head to him in the sign of obeisance which horses rarely give to other horses, let alone humans. Rowan liked Betsy just as much. On her back his tantrums calmed, he began to speak lucidly and even told the horse he loved it – the first time he had expressed love for anything or anyone. (more…)

Compliments that build confidence

hutt33We all love us some praise, and especially children. Note, however, that not every praise to build self-confidence. Excessive and wrongly formulated praise can lead the child is expected to delight every little thing you do is not good for the self-confidence. Praise that builds a positive belief in yourself is earned, it refers to a specific action, and repeated when necessary.

Help your child identify their abilities through the wise praise, here’s how:

Start by child attention.

Pay attention to the special talent, trait, skill or love for something that deserves recognition. You may notice a talent for art, or a character trait that is worthy of praise.

Then, wait a moment in which the talents or characteristics come to the fore.

This is the moment where you can pay tribute to the talent of the child or property. It is important that your message is a child, that child understand exactly what you want to praise in him, for example: “Ana you really have a sense of painting as you use all the beautiful colors in their drawings.” It’s a good idea to always use the same word to describe talent of the child, and to be precise why praise a child.
