Live for Family

Mom, Parenting and Family Holiday Blog

Author Archive: live4family

French Toast with Blackberry Syrup

There’s nothing quite like waking up to the smell of sweet french toast with warm blackberry syrup.

My dad always made my brother and I French toast when we were growing up, and he is a master at it; it’s only natural that I have an almost-constant craving for it during the weekends. With a golden, buttery-sweet crust and a moist, fluffy and creamy center, this French toast is not only satisfying and decadent, but also guilt-free.

The blackberry syrup is a breeze to make and contributes an element of brightness in this traditionally heavy dish. Not only that, but purple is my favorite color, making me love the look of this dish even more! French toast never fails to make me feel happy and to make me feel like I can conquer the day ahead of me! (more…)

Vietnamese Inspired Noodles Recipe

As I have mentioned in a few previous posts, I was lucky enough to go to California with my father over Spring Break 2012! We went up to visit my aunt and uncle (where we got to eat a delicious meal!), but before that we went to San Francisco.

My god.

So. Many. Fantastic. Restaurants.

I was super excited to try some ethnic food in Chinatown, and so my father and I decided to visit this little restaurant, Golden Star, which was right by a beautiful park. I love Vietnamese food, especially when it is done well, and so I was super excited when they brought out a huge bowl of Beef Pho.

Now, you may be asking what Pho is. To simplify it, it is basically a Vietnamese Noodle Soup with your choice of toppings and a flavorful, deep broth. I was inspired by the complexity and flavor of the broth, which is meaty and contains spices such as star anise, corriander, and clove. If you have it with beef, the boiling broth actually cooks the meat (which is super cool!). You get the broth, thin noodles, and other toppings (such as bean sprouts, basil, cilantro, Hoisin, etc)! When I got back, I decided I would try to make Pho. (more…)

Birthday Invitations for your Babys First Birthday Party

Finding the perfect first Birthday Invitations for your baby’s celebration party is something that posses great memorable values for mother, father and the child as well. You can always find these 1St Birthday Invitations ideas on internet, through various websites and touch up with your personalized choices and messages.

1st Birthday Invitations and Kids Party Invites for Birthday Party Celebrations – Together with 1st Birthday celebration Invitations, mothers and fathers can start the particular traditions of organizing wonderful festivities for their children. As the invitations are special souvenirs, they should be picked out after due thought. Nobody wants to save First Birthday celebration Invitations that do not help to make readers remember that day and the special day in your son’s or daughter’s life. (more…)

The impact of global warming on gardening

D.C. Urban Gardeners took to the airwaves yesterday in a radio discussion about the impact of global warming on gardening.

An official from the U.S. Department of Agriculture stole the show, however, when she acknowledged that publication of a sophisticated new hardiness zone map based on the most recent climate reports has been delayed because some of the mappers have been in Iraq, and for longer than expected.

I was invited to appear on Pacifica Radio’s weekly “Earthbeat” segment to outline ways that we gardeners can reduce our carbon footprint and help alleviate the affects of global warming.

But ahead of me were, first, Patty Glick of the National Wildlife Federation, and author of that group’s publication, “A Gardener’s Guide to Global Warming,” along with Kim Kaplan of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. (more…)

Tips for the sophisticated decorator

When you have a picky, sophisticated style, it can be difficult to decorate your home. Learning to appreciate the little things will keep you in the loop with life and loving your home, sophisticated or not.

Decorating your home can be difficult. We all know that. But if you’re one of those people that has a slightly sophisticated taste, if you yourself may not be a sophisticated person, decorating your home can be a veritable nightmare.

As a Home Decorating Sophisticate, or HDS as it were, you have a refined taste in furniture, flooring, sashes, throw pillows, drapery, rugs, lighting, hanging artwork and pretty much everything else that comes through your line of vision like Neon Mama custom made neon signs that look amazing on the living room. You can sense imbalance in your sleep and your aura blends with Zen decorating  on an ultimately frightening level. (more…)

Enjoy kitesurfing in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka

You have worked very hard with no vacation. You have skipped all the nice kitesurfing time and heard almost all the stories from friends and family, and were really upset or jealous. Anyway you can now solve it.

You must consider taking a fast flight to Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka to kitesurf and the most exciting part is that you will find the best kite school in Kalpitiya. Not only that, it has more wind when compared with other places in the Sri Lanka. That is why so many travelers go to Kalpitiya to kitesurf. It is windy and warm. (more…)