What Do You Need For Duck Hunting?
When you go on a hunting trip, you don’t want to forget anything important, including your hunting rifles. You want every trip you make to be enjoyable, but also successful. Having the right tools with you is important as you will be in the middle of nowhere. You don’t want to have to cut a trip short because you didn’t pack all the necessities. Did you remember extra ammo? How about your JJ Lares duck calls?
Here is a list of important items to take with you on your duck hunt.
Fire Power
You’ll probably not forget to bring your rifle, but how about ammo? It’s easy to misplace a box of shells or forget to put it with your things. Make sure you pack up your ammo with your rifle, so you are less likely to leave it behind. If you are taking additional guns, make sure to remember the ammo for those as well. Make sure your rifle is well cleaned and equipped with everything you want on it such as straps or scopes. (more…)